Play With Us
MOBSoft is a Mexico City based game development company. We can help you with:
- Prototype development
- Organization training games
- Idea evaluation
- Consultancy
Prototype Development
MOBSoft can help you rapidly develop prototypes for your game ideas. This is a vital and often overlooked aspect of game development – getting to a point where you can start exploring your ideas as a real game rather than just an idea.
A game prototype can help you sell your ideas to investors or other key stakeholders. Instead of just having a game design document, you can now show a working game to illustrate your ideas, for example if you plan on implementing game based organizational training.
Organization Training Games
Helping employees learn company practices and values can be a tedious and difficult task. Rather than having a boring document or classroom session, games can help employees adopt quicker and with more enthusiasm.
Organization specific games can also help retrain employees in new technology or changing processes. The feeling of accomplishment that comes from winning games can help the employees take pride in learning rather than seeing it as a burden.
Idea Evaluation
Bring us your ideas! After signing and giving you our verystrict non-disclosure agreement, we can help you evaluate both the business potential and ‘is it fun’ aspect of your plan. We can then propose plans or develop game design documents that you can then present to developers. And don’t worry, we won’t be offended if you choose another developer.
MOBSoft has experience with creating and evaluating games ideas that eventually lead to successful games, both in the private and public space. This includes both entertainment and serious games. Do you know exactly what first-person shooters need? Do you think a game can help you speed onboarding of new employees? We’ll help you determine what is needed and whether you should proceed.
Our focus is not just on entertainment but also on more serious aspects of games. We can help you understand how to get the most out of your investment, how to plan and run a game development project, and how to effectively accomplish your goals.
Talk to us! Play with us! We promise, we won’t bite!